Quiet Barrier Acoustic Quilt

Soundproof Quilt Acoustic Quilts Factory Sound Quilts | Sound Blocking Quilt Soundproofing Quilt Factory Quiet Barrier Acoustic Quilts

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General Details

Quiet Barrier Acoustic Quilt

Our quiet barrier acoustic quilt helps protect local communities and employees from the harmful effects of excessive noise. We use the world’s leading acoustic technology and leading materials for design, and can provide the most effective temporary quiet barrier acoustic quilts on the market. Our sound blocking quilt is light, weatherproof, adaptable to any environment, easy to transport and easy to store.

This additional noise reduction function of absorptive barriers allows them to provide the same noise reduction effect as reflective barriers one to two meters higher. A 3.5-meter-high absorptive sound quilt can provide the same noise reduction effect as a 5-meter-high reflective barrier. Due to the wind load, the cost of the highly reflective soundproofing quilt starts to increase rapidly above five meters, and the aesthetic effect may become a problem. In situations where a greater degree of noise reduction is required, absorptive quiet barrier acoustic quilts reduce these problems.

By moving the soundproof quilt acoustic quilt closer to the noise source, noise control can be greatly improved. Our proprietary soundproofing quilts can meet your needs for temporary noise reduction in many industries, including:

Small or large infrastructure projects
Housing land
Events surrounded by sound and noise
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Sound Blocking Quilt Soundproofing Quilt Factory Quiet Barrier Acoustic Quilts
Our quiet barrier acoustic quilts can be used for sales and have advanced features that provide high performance at your work site and provide effective results. Our products are:

Waterproof: high-performance, high-quality PVC combined with waterproof materials to ensure that the sound blocking quilt will not add excess weight and remain dry
The quick installation design takes into account easy installation, our sound quilt can be installed quickly and easily on all temporary fence products.
Quality Assurance: We care about quality, which is why we strive to provide acoustic quilt that is competent and very durable.
Low center: Our temporary soundproof wall is low to the floor to ensure that noise does not penetrate below.
Durable surface treatment: the perfect combination of strong hook eyes and strong materials can provide soundproof quilts that perfectly meet your needs.
Excellent noise reduction effect: strong insulating core, providing high absorption performance of up to 27dbs. Double our acoustic quilts to get better results.